What is Play Kaizen?

I greatly enjoy analyzing why my favorite games are my favorite. I try to understand the mechanical, narrative, and emotional reasons some games truly capture my imagination.

Each post of this blog examines a single element from one video game I love. Through this examination, I try to make a case for why it matters and why its inclusion would make any other game better.

This isn’t a review blog and it isn’t a game design deep dive. This is just me digging into why the games we play are really fun! More than anything, these are my thoughts on how video games connect to players and why they matter as a medium.

Why subscribe?

Subscribe for free to get full access to everything I write, delivered directly to your inbox. I try to write and publish a season (six articles) at a weekly cadence with breaks in between. If you like reading about video games, Play Kaizen is just the perfect amount of stuff to read.

Who am I?

I’m a game director and 17 year veteran of the video game industry. I am constantly inspired by the games I play, but more than anything, I love to create, write about, play, and discuss games.

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Exploring the one perfect idea from every video game.


I'm a new dad, professional game developer, and Bay Area resident. My interests include history (books + podcasts), cocktails and cooking, long walks, and reading science fiction.